The Planet Whizbang Idea Book For Gardeners info
Good Ideas Make Great GardenersHerrick Kimball, inventor of the world-famous Whizbang chicken plucker, Whizbang cider press, Whizbang garden cart and Whizbang wheel hoe has packed the pages of this book with a diverse selection of whizbang ideas for people who enjoy growing their own food.Many of the ideas are uniquely his own. Some ideas come from other imaginative gardeners. And scattered throughout are numerous idea-excerpts gleaned from the author's collection of 19th century almanacs and farm journals.Among other things, you'll learn the following:
How to make and use Whizbang solar pyramid cloches
How to make Whizbang T-post trellis spans.
How to make Whizbang T-post hops poles.
How to Make a Whizbang wood-and-wire garden tote.
"How to Grow Strawberries of the Largest & Finest Quality" (from E.P. Roe, the acclaimed 19th-century berry-man).
How to make a Planet Whizbang wheel hoe (with an oscillating stirrup blade).
How to harvest, grind & use wood-stove bioch